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Contact Us: Joanna Fitzpatrick sitting on stability ballHi, my name is Joanna Fitzpatrick. I am the Fitness Director here at

I love exercise and think it’s important to develop a life-long healthy lifestyle. However, I know we all have busy lives, and working out isn’t always convenient, easy or even fun.

In fact, unless we can make exercise fit into our already-busy lifestyles, it probably won’t happen.

That’s why I love home fitness equipment like exercise balls (or stability balls, fitness balls, etc..). They make fitness easy, convenient, and yes, sometimes even fun.

For example, exercise ball workouts, pilates with a fitness ball, yoga on a stability ball and using a balance ball chair.

3 Big Reasons I Like Stability Balls for Fitness…

1. You can use the for virtually any sort of exercise to get a total body workout. With just one $20 inflatable ball, you can strengthen, tone and stretch every part of your body.

2. You can work out in the convenience of your own home. Minimal space is required. Plus, since exercise balls are inflatable, you can travel with them, use them in the office or basically take them to wherever you want to workout.

3. You can start with very simple exercises and build up to a very strenuous routine without needing to buy weights or visit a gym. In short, stability balls provide an excellent workout for people of all ages and abilities.

In addition, stability balls work great as office chairs. And for some reason, young kids love to throw them around too. For $20, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth out of an exercise ball.

Hopefully, we can help you find what you are looking for on If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

